Hello buns!
On Saturday 17th November I took part in my first ever fashion catwalk for Hyper Japan. I decided to go for it as I wanted to push myself and build up my confidence.
This blog is all about my shyness, the application process, my experience being a model and my future plans regarding applying for another fashion show.
Happy reading!
Keri aka Ichigo Bunny
(All pictures in the blog have been taken by Gwyd Westwood)
Modelling for Hyper Japan - My experience and review of what it was like
What is Hyper Japan?
Hyper Japan is a three day convention celebrating all things related to Japan - the fashion, the food, art, music and culture. Here you will see and experience cosplayers, artists dancing, singing, drawing, bands playing, Japanese food, Japanese fashion, sake, handmade crafts and so much more! Hyper Japan takes place one weekend in the summer, and one weekend in the winter, normally in the months of July and November. I attended my first every Hyper Japan in November 2016 at the London Tobacco Docks. I loved it, I met friends, made new ones and spent a ridiculous amount of money. I had attended every one since I first went until this year, having to miss the summer one due to having one cray hectic weekend.
Hyper Japan used to take place at Kensington Olympia, moved to the tobacco docks and then moved back to K.O this year. This winter market was my first time attending H.J at the K.O so I was intrigued to see the venue and to see how it compared to the previous times I had been.
What made me apply?
I have always been a shy kid, ever since I was young. I have always been more confident and comfortable with a group of friends than I have on my own. I hate going to social gatherings if I don't know a lot of people and I hate the spot light being on me.
When I was in school I was often made to have one of the main parts in the school play, and I was happy enough to be a part of this when I could hide behind something or if I was with someone else. However, I didn't like answering questions out loud, being asked to come up to the front and speaking out loud, or having to do anything on my own in front of people. I guess some of this was down to the fact that I was bullied and I didn't want any extra attention on myself, but a lot of this was down to shyness as well. There was one lesson that I was good at speaking up in. This class was taught by a fabulous lady who, every week, described a real life scenario that we might encounter when we left school and asked what is the correct way of handling it. I LOVED IT.
When I left school I applied for a music course in my local college. When I turned up to audition, I was so shy that I asked the person interviewing me to turn around before I would play! Applying for this course was a big step for me, as I didn't know anyone who was going to be on it. On my first day I had a big surprise to find one of my school friends on the course! We were separated into bands, and i was put with a fab group of people who seemed to understand that I was shy, and we are still good friends to this day!
My first job was in a chippy, and I ended up working with someone who I went to school with. My second job was in a local holiday resort, and I got the job thanks to a friend of mine who worked there. We were separated and made to work in different shops, but I was pleased to know someone who worked there. I got my first job in my current work place thanks to another friend (see a slight theme?). Again, I was placed in a different area to work in, but I still felt happy to know someone who worked there.
So, you are probably asking, how does this relate to the fashion show? As you can see, I really REALLY hate doing things on my own. I feel awkward and uncomfortable and I prefer to stay within my comfort zone where I know everyone and what I am doing.
I also suffer from stage fright. When I was working on the holiday resort I won an award for the work I had done, and was asked to come up on stage to accept my win. I was shaking, sweating, my ears started ringing and I couldn't hear anything of what my manager was saying. They had to put their arm around me as they were so worried I was going to faint!
But this year has been one of personal growth. I applied for a course at the beginning of the year and passed it. I applied for a Japanese for Beginners course on a whim, and I am growing more confident with every week that is passing. I've been pushing myself out of my comfort zone and I am loving the results that it has given me so far.
When I left school I applied for a music course in my local college. When I turned up to audition, I was so shy that I asked the person interviewing me to turn around before I would play! Applying for this course was a big step for me, as I didn't know anyone who was going to be on it. On my first day I had a big surprise to find one of my school friends on the course! We were separated into bands, and i was put with a fab group of people who seemed to understand that I was shy, and we are still good friends to this day!
My first job was in a chippy, and I ended up working with someone who I went to school with. My second job was in a local holiday resort, and I got the job thanks to a friend of mine who worked there. We were separated and made to work in different shops, but I was pleased to know someone who worked there. I got my first job in my current work place thanks to another friend (see a slight theme?). Again, I was placed in a different area to work in, but I still felt happy to know someone who worked there.
So, you are probably asking, how does this relate to the fashion show? As you can see, I really REALLY hate doing things on my own. I feel awkward and uncomfortable and I prefer to stay within my comfort zone where I know everyone and what I am doing.
I also suffer from stage fright. When I was working on the holiday resort I won an award for the work I had done, and was asked to come up on stage to accept my win. I was shaking, sweating, my ears started ringing and I couldn't hear anything of what my manager was saying. They had to put their arm around me as they were so worried I was going to faint!
But this year has been one of personal growth. I applied for a course at the beginning of the year and passed it. I applied for a Japanese for Beginners course on a whim, and I am growing more confident with every week that is passing. I've been pushing myself out of my comfort zone and I am loving the results that it has given me so far.
The application process
I had never given a thought about applying for the fashion show until I had seen an advert on Instagram. Deciding to pluck up the courage and push myself out of my comfort zone, I applied to be a part of the show on a whim. The closing date was roughly about 4 weeks before the con took place. You had to describe your personal style and what you like about Japanese fashion. You also had to include a picture of the outfit you were thinking of wearing, so if you ever think about applying to take part please be prepared!
About 2 weeks after applying ago I received an email to say that my application has been successful, and that I had to send an outfit description to be read out on the day, if we could attend rehearsals or not, what we wished to be called and a few other details. We had to submit this information a week before Hyper Japan via email at the latest.
Saturday 17th November - The day of the Fashion Show
I got to Kensington Olympia early as I didn't want to be late. There were people awaiting around the entrance with me, but I was too shy to pluck up the courage to ask if they were also taking part! Just after 8.30, a lady called Carolin came out, ticked our names off and lead us inside.
Carolin lead us through the con to the main stage, and we went backstage. Here she explained what the plan was, how long rehearsals were going to be and what time we had to be back and ready by. She then went to speak to the stage crew, and we were left on our own.
We were standing around, not talking and just smiling at each other when one of the other girls suggested standing in a circle and introducing ourselves. We got round in a circle, said our name, age, if we had done this before and spoke of how far we had traveled. As someone who is really shy, I loved this girl for suggesting this (and I am really sad that I can't remember her name)! This really helped me open up and not feel really awkward. There were two girls that I felt like I instantly clicked with, and spent a lot of time talking to.
The rehearsal started about 10/15 minutes after we were told that it would happen, but delays can be inevitable and I wasn't upset about having to wait. Carolin organised us into a line, gave us a number and explained that this was the order that we would be appearing on stage. She explained how we would be appearing on stage, what is our cue to move come on stage , where to stand, where to move to when the next person came on, where to go to after the person after them came on, and then where to go once the 3rd person after you came on. She also explained that the lolitas were staying on the stage, and that we was to come back on and be arranged around them for photos afterwards.
After the rehearsal we was given our performers pass for the morning, and told to come back for 1pm, ready for the fashion show at 1.30pm.
Carolin lead us through the con to the main stage, and we went backstage. Here she explained what the plan was, how long rehearsals were going to be and what time we had to be back and ready by. She then went to speak to the stage crew, and we were left on our own.
We were standing around, not talking and just smiling at each other when one of the other girls suggested standing in a circle and introducing ourselves. We got round in a circle, said our name, age, if we had done this before and spoke of how far we had traveled. As someone who is really shy, I loved this girl for suggesting this (and I am really sad that I can't remember her name)! This really helped me open up and not feel really awkward. There were two girls that I felt like I instantly clicked with, and spent a lot of time talking to.
The rehearsal started about 10/15 minutes after we were told that it would happen, but delays can be inevitable and I wasn't upset about having to wait. Carolin organised us into a line, gave us a number and explained that this was the order that we would be appearing on stage. She explained how we would be appearing on stage, what is our cue to move come on stage , where to stand, where to move to when the next person came on, where to go to after the person after them came on, and then where to go once the 3rd person after you came on. She also explained that the lolitas were staying on the stage, and that we was to come back on and be arranged around them for photos afterwards.
After the rehearsal we was given our performers pass for the morning, and told to come back for 1pm, ready for the fashion show at 1.30pm.
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Posing next to the Tofu Cute tree in my outfit for the fashion show |
The actual event
At 1pm I was just outside of the backstage area, and met with two of the girls that I had gotten along with really well. Shortly afterwards Carolin came and brought us through to backstage, and lined us up ready to go onstage after the act before us.
As we were lined up waiting to go onstage the nerves kicked in. I felt shaky, my palms were sweaty, I was starting to worry about making any and every mistake that I could of made. The show started, and I managed to go through without making any major mistakes! I had felt so elated and a bit giddy at the end of it, but most of all I felt proud of myself for facing one of my fears.
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On stage during the fashion show. |
What I thought of the fashion show
I personally had a lot of fun during the show, and the girls I met during the morning rehearsal were a MASSIVE part of this. Honestly. Their warm, kindness, and being lovely when speaking to me despite me being shy and awkward really, really helped me settle. One particular girl was Izzy, whom is a real sweetheart, and it turned out that we have a mutual friend! I adore this gal, she made me laugh and feel less shy. I honestly feel like if we hadn't been done an introduction with everyone at the beginning I would of felt so alone and not enjoyed it as much.
I thought it was pretty well organised, compared to the rest of the con (but that's for another blog). I received emails in time, and they pretty much explained anything, and answered any questions that I had within a day or so of sending my email. We was brought in just after 8.30, giving anyone who was running late a little bit of time to arrive. Carolin explained what was to happen during the show clearly, and I thought that she was easy to get along with and talk to.
I felt that the show ran smoothly. I don't think my 'performance' was perfect. I was anxious, fretting about my appearance and it really showed. I tend to pick at areas that I feel uncomfortable with, and in this case I felt really self-conscious about my shorts riding up my thighs, picking at them quite a bit. In all honesty, I'm just pleased that I didn't faint, fall over or fall off the stage!
Would I do it again? Yes, but probably during the Christmas/ winter con again. I feel that my fashion has a more autumnal/ winter vibe, and I never feel fully comfortable in the summer as I hate the heat. If I done it again I would be a bit braver in outfit choice. I felt somewhat bland and boring, and I think feeling like this was part of the reason I felt a little awkward on stage. I felt like I shouldn't of been up there as everyone was so cute and looked amazing. I would also practise some poses so I wouldn't feel a little dumb just standing and being all shy.
All in all, it was fun, cute and I really enjoyed but definately need to work on some areas. I like to see this fashion show as a test-run to see if I could actually push myself out of my comfort zone and take part in it, and I'm proud of myself for doing so.
If you feel like you might be interested or that you want to do it, I say go for it. It could be really fun and build up your confidence, and you could make some new friends! Just be more prepared than I was, and practise some poses!
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